Hell is not punishment,
it's training.
Shunryu Suzuki

2 jun 2011

Big Love

Wives on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, and, let me add, deservedly so.

In every single episode this deeply dysfunctional familial conglomerate is on the point of imploding. Their leader is a self-serving psychopath who is convinced he is the next best thing after Mormon prophet Joseph Smith and maybe, just maybe, Jesus.

And the wives, could it be otherwise?, love each other and hate each other with a vengeance. They throw their crap at each other while trying to preserve their alpha male on his pedestal of priest and provider of (One has to imagine) out-of-this-world sex. Nicolette Grant, played by Chloë Sevigny, is so totally bonkers that, needless to say, she is my favourite wife.

And does patriarch Bill Henrickson deserve all the bitching and backstabbing and plotting and general bad vibes souring everybody's mood at the dinner table one day after another? He bloody does.

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